Thursday 31 October 2019

onomatopoeia pome

today we did an onomatopoeia pome here is my pome

pow meow caw whiff

quack moo tinkle smash

crinkle splash mash clatter

matter shatter patter shatter

these are the sounds of the
red duck

Number of the Week

We did maths and the number of the week is 99. We are learning to add what three numbers after that number. I found it hard because there were a lot of different questions but I figured them out.

Wednesday 30 October 2019


today we did all about me we went arand the class and rit stuf on are Chromebook it was challenging because we had a time limit to do it I did not rely enjoy it.

Tuesday 29 October 2019

We are learning to use onomatopoeia

Today in class we learnt what onomatopoeia is. Onomatopoeia are words that are sounds. We then had to write our own people using onomatopoeia. This is my poem

Swish splash
the river rushes down
the river smashes into the rocks.