Tuesday 30 March 2021

persuasive writing

 persuasive writing

Dear Trish My name is Jari and I am writing about having a fishing pond at school. I think we should have a fishing pond a school because it will educate the kids about the fish and help with their colors.

We need a fishing pond at school because it helps them learn how they swim and breathe underwater. It will help with your streth and confidence in catching a fish. It will give seniors something to do and end their boredom of school. place a fishing pond is it's on little habitat and we are an enviro school haveing a fishing pond at school will help others with the safety of fishing and it would be sik having a fishing pond at school. There would be some fishing day so they would not die and we would feed them. The kid's mite misbehave by killing and hitting the fish but we will stop it.

In conclusion I believe we need a fishing pond at school as it will bring streth confidence and coolness. It will teach the safety of fishing and how to fish ir will take the boredom of school away too. 

I hope you age to get a fishing pond at school 

From Jari

today we have done persuasive writing it has toke so long to make but it was fun but exiting to finsh my one is about haveing a fishing pond at school and why I hope you will agrey to my persuasive writing and hope you like it.

1 comment:

  1. Ka rawe Jari! I like how you have outlined all of your ideas and explained why. I wonder what would happen to the fish over Summer?


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