Tuesday 6 July 2021

careers JA


A farmworker is someone that works on a farm and helps on the farm they move livestock reapers tractors and more they drive tractors on the farm and deliver food and livestock to your farm. Farming is a very important job because you make food for people all around the world they make vegetable potatoes and so much more so it is a very cool job to do. what is good about being a farmworker it is very cool you get paid well and you get to drive tractors around the farm and there is a responsibility on your hands. what is bad about farming they are some bad things about farming and that is like it the wet weather and losing livestock and not turning on the election fens.


What is a builder and what does he do a builder is a person that builds things for you and makes your home and they are cooled tradeys and they are very wonted now at the moment they are very important because they build your house and they do everything to do it.what is the good thing about building a bilder you work around good people you have fun building things and making things.what is the bad things about being bulder if you hammer your hand and and fol of the building and not doing the right thing.

Medical doctor

What is a medical doctor a medical doctor is some one how helps reper someone and from a accident they are very important in the world because the fix people from an accident and you get paid a lot of money and it is a fun job to do.what is the good thing about being medical doctor  you get to work on peoples heart and and body you get padded good and you have lots of fun.what is the bad thing about being a medical doctor is if you kill someone and pot there heart in they leg and kut of there leg.


What are veterinarian they are people that fix animals if they need it like if your dog has a sor back they will help it get better and they allow farm animals.What are the good things about being a veterinarian is you get hand on hand jobs at work and you get to work on you favorite animals at work like dogs cats birds and so much more.what are the bad things about being a veterinarian are if you patient dies and if you get no work like because of coved 19 at the moment it is not so good in some countries in the world.


What is an electrician an electrician is someone that comes to your house to see if your power is alright and it is up to date they fix the problem with the power if you need it they are very handy to have when you need them.What are the bad thing about being a electrician is if you get electrocuted on a job if you shut down the power or destroy the power.What is the good thing

about being an electrician is not getting electrocuted on a job you get paded good and you have a hard job to do.

to day we did creers and we had to read an ardkel about your career and after your dun that you hat to pik 5 of the jobs that were on the website and thes are mine hope you enjoy looking a my work.


  1. Hi Jari,
    Wow these jobs are soo interesting to learn. I learnt a lot about these careers. I hope to me a Medical Doctor one day. Which job would you prefer to work as?? Besides that keep up the fantastic work:)

    - Maria

    1. hi Maria I am from paroa school and would like to be a farmer and a pilot but there is some more intresting jobs I like.

  2. Hey Jari, my name is Ali-Jon and i'm a year 8 student a Glenbrae School.
    This presentation about jobs are very good, I see that you will love to be a farmer and pilot but just to ask why did you pick a farmer and a pilot ? Keep up the great work.


  3. hi Ali jon I would like to be a farmer because I like the hard work and the challenge and it is very fun and about the pilot I would like to be a pilot because it is fun to fly a plane and I have allwas loved planes when I was a kid thankyou for your comment.

  4. Hi Jari, My name is Gideon and i'm from Glenbrae school and I just want to say that I really your work about careers there are many careers and they all can help the world and these are some cool careers too. But anyways keep up the great and also keep up the great blogging and have an amazing day. :)


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.