Thursday, 7 March 2019

Dear Humans

Dear Humans,
I am writing about reaff shark and all the rubig
In the sea I am vere agre place stop it
Itis so sad and I can't even go out
My home because there was to much
Rubbish at my door and wod you like
It if you get sick!! So I hope you now
Naw from grumpy shucky
Here is a fotow
Of my friendRelated image


  1. Wow Jari, what an amazing piece of work. I like how you have included a picture of a reef shark to illustrate your point. I wonder how humans would react if they found a whole heap of rubbish outside their homes? Maybe next time you could look into what other kinds of rubbish are affecting the reef sharks environment?

    1. hi Mis farr thank you for commenting on my blog and yeah bye your the best yay your the best

  2. Hi budd,how ya doin,cool post check ya spelling but grumpy shucky sounds so funny so it reeaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllly cool. so bye

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  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. sorry didn't mean to say that right now sorry

  5. Hi Jari.
    THIS IS SO TRUE! I totally agree about keeping our sea and rivers clean. Next time make sure you check your spelling and punctuation though. Other than that your post is super good.

    Thanks, Sammi.


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